How did I get this wonderful home page ?

              Well basically I just can say thank you to Tripod for offering two megabytes (2 MB's !) for free.

              And also for not wanting to help one too much or at least offer the possibility not to be helped in writing a page.

              If you want to see what too much help is, go there, this is another try at a home page with far too "helpful" people.

Update : This link seems to be broken

              The idea would be good : "html for know-nothings", but hey, anyone with an editor (Netscape Navigator Gold's for example) can do better.

              What I basically do here is make the pages within the editor, upload, and make needed changes directly in html. It's not that difficult.
              For those who would like to know more about html, you can try HTML Quick Reference (10/11/95) and A Beginner's Guide to HTML.

Update : obviously, some of you have noticed the use of a little JavaScript on the main page. The ones who propably noticed it most are the ones which browsers that are NOT Java-enabled, (being harassed by huge warning screens while you're peacefully surfing is not funny) which sums up the problem of using Java. Anyway I WILL put something about JavaScript... someday :).

              And if you really want to go for it, visit The Free Pages Page.

             Feel free to ask questions, or say what you would think would be helpful on this page, but before you start asking things like : "How do I open a new document in the editor ?" ... look around (Rule number one) and don't forget rule number two : RTFM !

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